Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Grand Opening for the GROW agriculture exhibit at the Saint Louis Science Center
The SLSC will host the grand-opening of the GROW agriculture exhibit on Saturday, June 18th at 9 a.m. The event is open to the public. The event will include the exhibit opening, a parade, food fermentation demonstrations, hands-on activities and lots of other exciting happenings.
Here is a complete list of the 78 county Farm Bureaus that contributed to the project, along with Illinois Farm Bureau, and the IAA Foundation.
AdamsBondBrownBureauCalhounCass-Morgan ChampaignChristianClarkClayClintonCrawfordCumberlandDeKalbDeWittDouglasEdwardsEffinghamFayetteFord-IroquoisFranklinFultonGallatinGreeneHamiltonHancockJackson
JasperJeffersonJerseyJohnsonKaneKankakeeKnoxLaSalleLawrenceLivingstonLoganMaconMacoupinMadisonMarionMarshall PutnamMasonMassacMcLeanMcDonoughMcHenryMonroeMontgomeryMoultrieOglePeoria
PerryPiattPikePope-HardinPulaski-AlexanderRandolphRichlandRock IslandSaline SangamonSchuylerScottShelbySt. ClairStarkTazewellWabashWashingtonWayneWhiteWhitesideWillWilliamsonWinnebago-Boone Woodford
For More Info Contact:
Click here to donate by credit card.
Click here for instructions to mail a check.
Here are a few graphics for use in fundraising materials and other communications:
FarmWeek Now
State Journal Register
Brownfield Ag News